Time always does its own thing, just as the wind - Quote in pics  

Time always does its own thing, just as the wind


Time always does its own thing, just as the wind

“Time always does its own thing,
just as the wind:

It goes on erasing your footsteps
till the day arrives when you realize
that you somehow
had a new beginning.”
© Shoshan


As time goes by
somehow, almost miraculously,
our wounds are healed
and we are able
to walk again.

Over time,
you learn to see things
in a different way,
with more experience,
with more maturity,
giving proper importance
to other things
that we used to ignore.

Time is very helpful
when we have been hurt.

Learn to make good use of your time,
try not to waste it.
Time also needs you
to put effort onto it,
trying not to relive it again and again,
and instead, learn from it.

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