If you use a pretext once... - Quote in pics  

If you use a pretext once...


If you use a pretext once...

Always tell the truth, giving pretexts always leads to lying, and that's not good. Don't make excuses, be honest and direct, it will be better.


“If you use a pretext once,
you end up using it all the time.

But if you speak the truth,
you won’t need any more pretexts.”
© Shoshan


Truth requires no pretext.
If you tell the truth, there is no need to lie.

Truth can sometimes seem very harsh,
but it is harder when you realize
that you have been lied to
and fooled for a long time.

Don't use pretexts,
or cheap, invented excuses,
or anything like that...

Always be truthful.
In the end, it will be better.

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