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People who speak ill of you are usually trying to fill their own voids with your supposed imperfections. I miss you not just when I'm alone, but in all the happy moments I wish we could share together Each star in the sky is a reminder of a reason I love you, and still, there are more reasons than stars. When we put our problems in God's hands, He puts peace in our hearts Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one If they care, they’ll always find time for you Wishing you a very happy New Year The best friend is that musician who, even knowing that some of your notes are out of tune, chooses to create a symphony with you  "Dignity is not something that anyone can give you or take away. You've had it since the moment you were born. Don't let anyone make you feel less." © Shoshan Despite it all, I will believe in myself Blessings for Christmas No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar