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May every day of our life reflect the light of Christ, being a living testimony of His love and sacrifice. Olivia Newton-John: “I don’t know what my path is yet. I’m just walking on it.” Image with message to dedicate to a beloved son Relationships should be a thing of 2 people If he no longer wants to love you, it's not you who loses, it's him Welcome, July, we open our doors to you with joy! Envy blinds us with others' shadows, dimming the light of our own achievements. Send it: I love you for all that you give me; your smile, your gaze,  your embrace, and your understanding. There's no other version of you that's better than the original — Shoshan As we embrace, the world seems to come to a halt, and only you and I exist Experience is the currency of life My hurt is like a deep, dark well. You can see the surface, but you can't see the bottom...