Envy blinds us with others' shadows, dimming the light of our own achievements. - Quote in pics  

Envy blinds us with others' shadows, dimming the light of our own achievements.


Envy blinds us with others' shadows, dimming the light of our own achievements.

"Envy blinds us with others' shadows, dimming the light of our own achievements. It's like being distracted by the neighbor's garden while our own flowers need tending." © Shoshan


How often have we lost ourselves in admiration, or perhaps envy, of what others have achieved or possess, overlooking the wonders that adorn our own path? It's easy to feel overshadowed by others' successes, especially in a world where we're constantly shown the "perfection" of others. But let's remember: each time we become enveloped in the shadows of others' accomplishments, we dim the light of our own triumphs. It's crucial that we tend and cherish our own garden, those unique flowers that only we can nurture, rather than getting distracted by the glow of the neighbor's yard.

I vow no longer to gaze aside,
where others' shadows brightly shine,
my essence, my light, myself I've denied,
but today, to that deceit, I won't resign.

In my garden, my dreams bloom anew,
each petal, a tale, a wish of mine,
no longer will I envy another's hue,
for in my silence, comfort I'll find.

From now on, my eyes shall see,
only the beauty of my own dance,
envy, that shadow, won't conquer me,
for brightest burns my own expanse.

© Shoshan

The quote in this image is written with those in mind who have felt the heavy weight of envy and seek to free themselves from its chains to appreciate the beauty of their own journey: "Envy blinds us with others' shadows, dimming the light of our own achievements. It's like being distracted by the neighbor's garden while our own flowers need tending." © Shoshan

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