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It's necessary to be in darkness before you can see the stars If someone is constantly ignoring you, they're not valuing you as they should Prayer to receive God's love and strength Embracing the dawn: My journey with God's loving whispers It's not your appearance that matters, but how you improve the lives of others. Heartfelt Verses: Letters and Poems from a Yesterday Still Burning Embrace every moment, dream big, and never stop believing in the magic of life! ✨ Wind may whisk words away, but it can't erase the harm they inflict on the recipient's heart You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough You’re under no obligation to be the same person you were five minutes ago Life is like a book filled with unknown chapters; don't rush through the pages without savoring the stories of each day Good Morning! Start your day with a heart full of gratitude and eyes open to beauty