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The power of every step: Navigating life's bumps and turns with hope in your heart Even if you don't feel it, every day you spend here matters. Don't give up, keep going. Copy of Pídeme lo que quieras. Haré cualquier cosa por ti. Pero por favor, acepta mis disculpas. Lo siento. Mo matter how lonely you feel, if God is with you, you have everything you need. Nails are like the end point of a relationship, they either end very well or very badly Hate is not the absolute opposite of love With a sincere smile and a humble heart, barriers fall and paths unfold. All love stories are great, but ours is my favorite If you depend on someone to be happy, then you are renting your life instead of living it Psalm 23 - The Lord is my shepherd Despite the distance, you are my one and only love If they care, they’ll always find time for you