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Sometimes, the most sophisticated disguise a person wears is their own hypocrisy - Shoshan The world is changed by your example "Being dignified doesn't mean being perfect. It's about treating others with respect and demanding the same treatment for yourself, even when things get tough." © Shoshan Despite any loneliness you may feel, you hold immense value... My dear friends, merry Christmas! The Lord's great love never ends, and his compassion never runs out Insecurity whispering to you that you are not enough? Say with faith: With God, everything is possible! Image with message to dedicate to a beloved son The most important thing in the world is family and love During this Christmas season, beyond the celebrations, I hope you find time for yourself and what truly makes you happy Jeremiah 29:11 - The Lord wants to give you a future and hope If you are with me for Christmas, I will have all that I need