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Shine this Christmas. Celebrate your essence and share your light If he doesn't greet you, don't greet him. Don't bestow upon him the importance he fails to give you Sometimes, the most sophisticated disguise a person wears is their own hypocrisy - Shoshan Good Morning! Start your day with a heart full of gratitude and eyes open to beauty You will not understand the sadness of not seeing the one you love until your eyes search for someone who is no longer there Free yourself from what is no longer good for you Even when the road ahead seems cloudy, God is the light that never goes out. Good Morning! Remember, true happiness lies within your heart, not in the outside world. Just as the sun rises every morning, so does the love and mercy of God Pride is like fire, it can also burn and consume us The path through life is like a stairway When the universe seeks to stir your still waters, drop anchor in the harbor of your own serenity