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Audacity and Freedom: Celebrating the 4th of July If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain Wind may whisk words away, but it can't erase the harm they inflict on the recipient's heart Despite the distance, you are my one and only love Despite it all, I will believe in myself I just want you to love me! Let's make our tears not the end of our story, but the beginning of our reconciliation - Shoshan When we speak ill of others, we reveal our own insecurities What a positive attitude really means May August gift you moments of clarity, where what truly matters shines bright, the trivial fades away, and only gratitude and love remain in your heart. When someone helps you out, don't say you didn't ask for it. It might come off like you're suggesting they just did it on a whim and not because they cared about you. Let go of the mistaken assumption that it could have been any different