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When we speak ill of others, we reveal our own insecurities Jeremiah 29:11 - The Lord wants to give you a future and hope Not even the water of all seas could quench this love. - Song of Solomon 8:7 For you: The first Christmas rose Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it Speaking ill of people requires the same effort as speaking well of them When two souls love each other, neither the whispers of family, nor the words of friends, nor the storms of life can fracture their indestructible bond. -Shoshan Black Friday: Best day of my life! You are a mountain, strong and unshakable, do not reduce yourself to a mere grain of sand due to the opinions of others If they only look for you when they need something, it's not you they need, it's what you offer. Free yourself from what is no longer good for you Drowning in pain for someone