Leave the past where it is now... behind you! - Quote in pics  

Leave the past where it is now... behind you!


Leave the past where it is now... behind you!

Don't think about it, don't give it any more thought... leave the past where it is and where it should stay: behind, in the past.

Leave the past where it is now... behind you!


Yes... without any doubt
there are things that
we would like to change,
things from the past
that we regret,
or things that are hard to let go of
because they hurt us,
or caused us pain...

But the past has a specific place,
and that' s just where it is, the past.

There is life ahead,
there are things to do,
there are new dreams to have,
there are new things to be discovered...
let the past be there where it belongs.

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