Proverbs 31:30 - The woman who honors God - Quote in pics  

Proverbs 31:30 - The woman who honors God


Proverbs 31:30 - The woman who honors God

Glamour may prove to be an illusion, and beauty a fleeting thing; but the woman who honors God will always be praiseworthy. Proverbs 31:30, the Bible.

As women, we are bombarded with messages about beauty and glamour. But true beauty lies within, and it shines brightest when we seek the Lord. Glamour may fade, and beauty may be fleeting, but a woman who honors God will always radiate with grace and strength. Let's strive to be women who seek after what truly matters, and let our lives be a testament to the beauty and power of a heart that is devoted to God.

The world's beauty may deceive,
And fashion's glamour may soon leave.
But a woman who seeks the Lord,
Shines with a light that won't be ignored.

Her beauty is eternal, her grace divine,
Her heart is filled with love and kindness all the time.
She needs no jewels or fancy clothes,
For her faith makes her shine with majestic glows.

Woman of worth, you're a precious gem,
A one-of-a-kind creation, a true gem.
Shine with the Lord's light in your soul,
And you'll always be admired and whole.

So keep going, brave woman, with your head up high,
And your heart at peace, never questioning why.
Keep seeking the Lord with all your might,
And you'll always be beautiful, glamorous, and right.

© Shoshan

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