The Lord's great love never ends, and his compassion never runs out - Quote in pics  

The Lord's great love never ends, and his compassion never runs out


The Lord's great love never ends, and his compassion never runs out

Day after day, year after year... the Lord keeps blessing us. We are not always realizing it, but his love is constant and his goodness towards us is never-ending.

The Lord's great love never ends,
and his compassion never runs out.

Every morning his mercies are renewed;
great is his faithfulness!

Lamentations 3:22-23
The Bible


God is always watching over us,
always offering us help,
always aiding us,
even when we do not notice him
and we take things that happen to us for granted.

The Lord our God always forgives us,
his compassion is inexhaustible,
and he is constantly helping us.

Life is full of blessings,
and many times
we do not recognize them,
other times we finally notice them
and we look back and discover
that God had always been by our side.

God is faithful to us,
God is good and just
and certainly
also very merciful.

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