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Copy of Pídeme lo que quieras. Haré cualquier cosa por ti. Pero por favor, acepta mis disculpas. Lo siento. Audrey Hepburn - Quote about how to be a beautiful woman Image and video to dedicate for Valentine's Day to friends, family and everyone. I want to share something really romantic for Valentine's Day Good morning to that friend who's always there for me Important difference between happy and unhappy people Loyalty doesn't need megaphones, its voice is heard in the whisper of the heart. When the universe seeks to stir your still waters, drop anchor in the harbor of your own serenity Couple's Prayer Seeking God's Blessing on Our Love Don't let the fear of tomorrow take away today's peace; God is with you at the break of each new day. Mo matter how lonely you feel, if God is with you, you have everything you need. Love without patience and effort fades with the first breeze