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Magic and Tenderness: An Unforgettable Halloween Quote in Image There is no ideal Christmas Melodies of Memory: How Lost Loved Ones Live On in Our Hearts Every person you meet is fighting a battle you don't see. A little kindness can be their light in the darkness. Drowning in pain for someone When a relationship ends, don't let love turn into hate, for resentment is a shadow that darkens the soul. Being better than someone else doesn't make you great; sharing your greatness with others does. Sometimes words just aren't enough, and all we really need is a warm hug that understands without saying a thing Impossible not to think of you, but... Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. - Ecclesiastes 9:10 Only when they need us, they remember to call, and yet, we never fail to answer. That's the unspoken truth of motherhood. Being a mother doesn’t make you a lesser woman