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Only when they need us, they remember to call, and yet, we never fail to answer. That's the unspoken truth of motherhood. "Speaking ill of others does not elevate us. Let's treat each other with the same respect that we expect to receive." © Shoshan People tend to change when they don't get what they want. You will not understand the sadness of not seeing the one you love until your eyes search for someone who is no longer there All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. Being generous is like being a lighthouse Stumbling teaches you to recover; watching others stumble shows you how to dodge obstacles. "Unfulfilled promises are like inflated hope balloons that deflate with reality." © Shoshan Is it early, late, or just the right time to wish you a Merry Christmas? Have a nice day, my love My love, you light up my life like the stars in the night sky Not all days are the same