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Insecurity whispering to you that you are not enough? Say with faith: With God, everything is possible! Prayer: God, sometimes I am afraid of changes Seeking refuge in God's understanding heart "Unfulfilled promises are like inflated hope balloons that deflate with reality." © Shoshan Hate to Love: The Surprising Truth of a Real Love If you depend on someone to be happy, then you are renting your life instead of living it Missing you is my least favorite pastime Embrace the cracks in your journey, for they are the very spaces where your resilience blooms Silence is the echo of inner peace, a gift that gives us answers Each star in the sky is a reminder of a reason I love you, and still, there are more reasons than stars. Moving forward sometimes begins with a goodbye, paving the way for new forms of love and freedom. My Christmas spirit is hibernating... along with my desire to socialize.