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Opportunities are like shooting stars bright but fleeting. Make a wish, but also make a plan. Image and video to dedicate for Valentine's Day to friends, family and everyone. Celebrate endings—for they precede new beginnings Don't hold onto a love that hurts more than it helps. Every day is a chance to improve and make a difference No, I never stopped loving you Love from Afar: Words that Shorten Miles - Image, Letter and Poem to Share "Unfulfilled promises are like inflated hope balloons that deflate with reality." © Shoshan The imprint you left on my heart won't fade, and every day I realize just how much I miss you! You are a mountain, strong and unshakable, do not reduce yourself to a mere grain of sand due to the opinions of others No turkey eating this year! Dad: In the silence of your effort, I hear the echo of immense love