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“A sad soul can kill you quicker, far quicker, than a germ.” Some of the best moments in our lives If he doesn't greet you, don't greet him. Don't bestow upon him the importance he fails to give you Jeremiah 29:11 - The Lord wants to give you a future and hope Let's welcome this new month with open hearts, filling our days with peace, love, and color. Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. - Ecclesiastes 9:10 Love isn't about controlling; it's about growing together. I've grown; have you? I only need the soft whisper of peace in my mind Olivia Newton-John: “I don’t know what my path is yet. I’m just walking on it.” Leave the past where it is now... behind you! Goodbye hurts, but it's the first step to finding my own voice again In order to learn to love others I started by loving myself