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Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. This little spud shows us that joy and connection can be found even in the most unlikely places. May August gift you moments of clarity, where what truly matters shines bright, the trivial fades away, and only gratitude and love remain in your heart. Love in Chaos: Finding Beauty in Imperfection From a mother to a son with a heart of gold and a spirit of adventure If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. Time always does its own thing, just as the wind Where there is love, not even monsters are scary (Romantic Halloween Image and Quote) Good luck in your new job! Love is not a scale, it cannot be measured In times of loneliness, let us remember that God is there for us Let's make our tears not the end of our story, but the beginning of our reconciliation - Shoshan