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Love isn't loud, it's quiet and deep, like the heartbeat that beats for someone else The only thing I ask of you when you talk to me You are a mountain, strong and unshakable, do not reduce yourself to a mere grain of sand due to the opinions of others Every person you meet is fighting a battle you don't see. A little kindness can be their light in the darkness. Walk with confidence, but leave no trail of destruction. On Father's Day and in recognition of the mark you leave in my heart Don't let anyone tell you the stars are out of reach; we are women, born from constellations and weavers of dreams. May this Easter be a reminder of all the good things in life My friend, with or without a partner, we won't be alone on Valentine's Day Though galaxies apart, our love is the bridge connecting two worlds in an eternal embrace Happy Father's Day from a wonderful daughter to a remarkable father Always keep in mind that pain is always fleeting