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Where haste closes doors, patience builds bridges. When the universe seeks to stir your still waters, drop anchor in the harbor of your own serenity Wake up with the certainty that today is a gift waiting to be unwrapped. Good morning! Social media can feel like a shadowy circus among laughs, likes, and shares, it's not always easy to tell the joker from the fraudster. Those who wait for the LORD will have new strength I could become depressed, but I wont Though galaxies apart, our love is the bridge connecting two worlds in an eternal embrace I remember when we used to talk every day. I miss it. Quotes for my special guy ♥ Don't let anyone tell you the stars are out of reach; we are women, born from constellations and weavers of dreams. God expects us to do the right thing, even when it's tough. You are the greatest gift life has ever granted me.