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Following God can be a steep climb, but the view from the summit is eternal. Philippians 4:6–7  - Let us place our worries in God's hands Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom. Black Friday: Best day of my life! On this anniversary, I want to thank you for being my rock, my refuge, and my greatest joy Listening is often the only thing needed to help someone Faith starts as a whisper, it becomes a melody Sadness is like a bone-deep ache, at times when raindrops fall... it hurts even more. Just as no two fingers are alike, it's impossible to please everyone equally Brooms? That's so last century! #ModernWitch Good morning, oh yeah! - Image to embrace the new day with positivity and optimism. With a sincere smile and a humble heart, barriers fall and paths unfold.