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My confidence is my armor, my intelligence is my sword; in the battle of life, I am undefeated Better than diamonds, roses or chocolate Every person you meet is fighting a battle you don't see. A little kindness can be their light in the darkness. A true friend doesn't just shine in your company, but even when you're not around Love without patience and effort fades with the first breeze If you are with me for Christmas, I will have all that I need If he doesn't greet you, don't greet him. Don't bestow upon him the importance he fails to give you This Christmas let us think of it as a time for reconciliation Inspirational Quote: Choosing Strength Over Revenge 🌅💪 Hate to Love: The Surprising Truth of a Real Love Time always does its own thing, just as the wind Be cautious with your words... for when happiness shows itself, envy often stirs.