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Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me - Psalm 54:4 Just as the sun rises every morning, so does the love and mercy of God Celebrating Life: Inspirational Birthday Quote on Laughter, New Beginnings, and Unwritten Chapters Melodies of Memory: How Lost Loved Ones Live On in Our Hearts Bible verse for when you feel overwhelmed Even if you don't feel it, every day you spend here matters. Don't give up, keep going. Mo matter how lonely you feel, if God is with you, you have everything you need. A woman's strength is not in her ability to conform to society's standards, but in her courage to break them. Let's not allow the echo of others' expectations to silence the melody of our own essence. - Shoshan Every song is a slice of our history, each melody a vehicle that transports us to moments of joy or pain. At least we can say goodbye everyday Giving someone else the power over your joy is like handing your compass to a stranger; you'll lose your way.