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James 1:5 - If you are in need of wisdom, ask God for it In the face of adversity, breathe deeply and recall your inherent strength I won't dim my light just so you can shine. May August gift you moments of clarity, where what truly matters shines bright, the trivial fades away, and only gratitude and love remain in your heart. Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong! Be courageous! We don't learn from our mistakes because we're constantly denying them He might be the one who wears the pants, but remember, you have the power to rock his world and stir up storms Love isn't loud, it's quiet and deep, like the heartbeat that beats for someone else Women's Day Greeting Message to share Love should not be begged, love is either given or not given Even models wish they could look like their own images Those who seek, ultimately always find