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I like you more than a like on Instagram and TikTok ❤️📱. I miss you not just when I'm alone, but in all the happy moments I wish we could share together “A sad soul can kill you quicker, far quicker, than a germ.” You’re under no obligation to be the same person you were five minutes ago Black Friday: Best day of my life! A father doesn't dim with his absence, he becomes an eternal light guiding our steps. If they care, they’ll always find time for you Every person you meet is fighting a battle you don't see. A little kindness can be their light in the darkness. The best friend is that musician who, even knowing that some of your notes are out of tune, chooses to create a symphony with you Bad luck, you say? Trying to get out of the head what comes from the heart In order to learn to love others I started by loving myself